Here are the latest 2024 DGS Track Meet Schedules. There will be lots of movement as the weather will dictate alot of changes.
10 months ago, Vance Von Bergen
DGS JH Track
DGS HS Track
Special School Board meeting- Bond Update tonight at 7:00 PM. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 953 5478 9850 Passcode: ad1eMS
10 months ago, Kristi Mauws
All of the 8C superintendents have been in touch and have made the decision that the weather conditions are too risky to have kids out on the road tonight. Prom will be postponed for one week. Or will be next Saturday, April 13th. Everything will the same, just next week. Stay warm and stay safe.
10 months ago, Craig Crawford
BPA is sponsoring a Junior High Dance on Saturday, April 20th from 7:00-11:00 PM. Students may come at 5:30 to learn line dancing. There will be carnival games, prizes, pictures and a photo booth as well. Single price is $10, Couple is $18.
10 months ago, Kristi Mauws
JH Glow Crazy Dance
There is a Special Board Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 20th at 8:00 PM. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 976 3627 6234 Passcode: d2Yd9J
11 months ago, Kristi Mauws
We have a planned make-up day on Friday, April 5th. We will also be hosting the boy's Junior High Basketball tournament that day as well. We will be DISMISSING EARLY AT 12:00 THAT DAY. Buses will run at this time.
11 months ago, Kristi Mauws
The Junior Class will be holding a Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser during Parent/Teacher Conferences on Thursday night from 4:00-7:00. Single plate is $10, or 3 or more plates is $8 per plate.
11 months ago, Kristi Mauws
We will be having a Spring Immunization Clinic on Tuesday, March 19th. Forms are being sent home with students. Please keep an eye out for these forms, and if you'd like your child to receive immunizations, please fill them out and return to the office.
11 months ago, Kristi Mauws
The DGS HS Track's 1st meet is coming up! Saturday, March 23rd 12 noon will be the Bearcats 1st meet. Please see the whole Bearcat HS Track Schedule.
11 months ago, Vance Von Bergen
2024 HS Track
Spring Picture Day is tomorrow! Nancy has plans for a simple brown muslin background with faux leather chair or a solid, soft grey background with a tall vertical ladder. No order forms or money are needed at this time. Nancy will send us some mock-ups from which you can then place your order if you would like to purchase any pictures.
11 months ago, Kristi Mauws
March Ski Club Ski Days are this Friday, March 15th and Friday March 22nd. Ski Club will be paying for March Ski Days!! Forms are still due to the office by tomorrow, Thursday March 14th. But you do NOT need to send payment. Forms can be picked up in the office, or found under Documents>Ski Club
11 months ago, Kristi Mauws
We will be having Little Bearcat Basketball practices on Thursday, March 14th, Monday, March 18th, Thursday March 21st and Monday March 25th from 6:30-7:30 and then games at the same time on Tuesday, April 2. Any parents interested/willing to help please contact Meredith Phillipe.
11 months ago, Kristi Mauws
Here is a look at the most up to date JHBB schedule. First games are Friday, March 1st vs. Belt and Saturday vs. Roy-Winifred @ Denton. Come out and cheer on the Bearcats!
12 months ago, Vance Von Bergen
JHBB Feb. 21st
Part 2 schedule
March practice
part 2 drive schedule
drive schedule part 1
Bond update and regular board meeting tonight starting at 6:30. You can join by zoom: Meeting ID: 989 8308 5544 Passcode: KxQG6g
12 months ago, Kristi Mauws
Good morning! We ARE having school today, but the internet and phones are not currently working. We have tech working on it. If your child won't be in today, email Kristi at Thank you! Mr. C.
12 months ago, Craig Crawford
We will be dismissing school at 1:45 this Thursday, February 15th to give everyone time to support our boys as they play Centerville at 4:30 in Great Falls. Bus routes will run at this time. Let's go Bearcats!!
12 months ago, Kristi Mauws
Close Up Dessert Auction this Saturday during the badsketball games against Centerville!! Come check out all the goodies and support our students as they raise funds to go to Washington DC in 2025!
12 months ago, Kristi Mauws
Close Up Dessert Auction
2024 Stanford Senior Night-Saturday, Feb. 10th, 2024 Please come and honor our 3 Stanford Seniors on Saturday, Feb. 10th at around 4:30 p.m. prior to GV warmups and game. JD Lentz, Brody Shields, and Reese Von Bergen and families will be honored.
about 1 year ago, Vance Von Bergen
Stanford Seniors
2024 DGSG Bearcat JHBB has begun! Practice began on Tuesday and games will begin March 1st. Coaches Beau Smith and Katie Heppner lead the JH Girls and Coaches Tom Flesch and Braeden Tempel lead the JH Boys. Go Bearcats!
about 1 year ago, Vance Von Bergen
JHBB schedule
feb practice
March practice
game schedule 2
bus schedule part 1
bus schedule part 2
Staff and Families, We aware of a threat made by email that was sent to numerous individuals, including staff of school districts in Montana on Tuesday evening. We are in communication with our partners in law enforcement. This threat is not believed to be credible, and Stanford School plans to continue with our regular school schedule at this time. There will be an increased law enforcement presence in place that guides our response in the event of a threat. The safety of our school and the kids is our primary function and I do not feel we are in any danger. It was sent to virtually every school district in the state. I am also working with state education leadership to determine how the emails of so many educators was obtained. Our school entrances remain locked. Kristi buzzes people into our building. (Or I go open the door if she’s busy because I can’t work the magic buttton). If further information comes available, I will certainly pass it along. Thank you for entrusting us with the most precious things on the planet, your children. -Mr. Crawford
about 1 year ago, Kristi Mauws